Therapy for people struggling with fertility, complex medical issues and burnout

I help people in Chicago, Boston, Miami and beyond!

I help people that feel stuck on a roller coaster of hope and disappointment. Many of my clients say that they are exhausted trying to stay positive while just struggling to cope day to day. Other clients tell me that they are terrified of being hopeful only to end up crushed by disappointment.

A clear blue lake with green mountains and a narrow road

Many of my clients tell me how isolated and sad they feel because it seems like their life is passing them by. They are so focused on trying to change their present and future that they miss out on what is actually happening. They are working hard to reach a goal: feel better physically, to get pregnant, have a baby, find a way to change their marriage or to feel confident at work.

I help people who are constantly thinking about trying to change their life to feel better. They research different treatment options online, they think of any and every possible bad thing that may happen so they can be ready, they try to do everything they can think of to be the best friend, partner, child, parent they can be.

Behind all these worries and fears is a sincere belief that they can make a change!

My clients want to find a way to be more effective so they can see real improvement in their life. They tell me that they want to be able to see their friends without comparing themselves. They wish they could be able to relax and enjoy the good things that are happening in their life - even if it’s something small like being able to enjoy a happy hour patio on a gorgeous Chicago summer day or a drive through the beautiful fall scenery outside of Boston. Other clients tell me they want to shake off irritability and pressure so they can be more connected, calm and present with the people they love.

When I meet with a new client, we first make a plan to help things feel manageable. Then, I help you learn to shift your thoughts and take the power away from your fears. With practice, these changes will become a normal way of thinking. Finally, you will have the energy to focus on enjoying and appreciating the life that you have.